Favorites Week - Preachers
Today is Tuesday and I am researching the text for my next sermon. Since I preach every week one opportunity I am not afforded is the blessing of hearing others preach the Word on a weekly basis. This however, does not stop me from being fed throughout the week. I listen to the preaching and teaching of godly individuals in the form of books and audio sermons. Below are my five favorite preachers in no particular order.
1. John Owen (1616-1683)
This English Puritan's writings are both rich in truth and devotional in nature. Combining these two aspects of preaching is difficult and few do it well. My favorite works of Owen thus far are The Mortification of Sin and Communion with God. It is hard to read Owen and not walk away with a greater knowledge of God.
This English Puritan's writings are both rich in truth and devotional in nature. Combining these two aspects of preaching is difficult and few do it well. My favorite works of Owen thus far are The Mortification of Sin and Communion with God. It is hard to read Owen and not walk away with a greater knowledge of God.
2. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
This American preacher and theolgian was a pastor during the First Great Awakening. His works are more difficult to read than most, but the reward is rich! His logical thought to the Biblical text is straightforward and the breadth of his scope expansive.
This American preacher and theolgian was a pastor during the First Great Awakening. His works are more difficult to read than most, but the reward is rich! His logical thought to the Biblical text is straightforward and the breadth of his scope expansive.
3. Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)
This Baptist minister preached for years to the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. He is still known as the Prince of Preachers and a simple sampling of his sermons explains why the title was given. His sermons are still in wide circulation and easy to find in any Christian book store.
4. James Montgomery Boice (1938-2000)
This minister pastored the Tenth Street Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia for many years and was one of the great preachers of the twentieth century. His commentaries are both easy to read and deep in truth.
5. John MacArthur (1939 - )
The best living voice for the gospel. He preaches the Bible by expositing the text with more clarity and depth than anyone else. He is the preacher of our times.
If I may, I'd like to add another person to that esteemed list: Pastor Eric Armstrong.
Amen to that.
Looks like David and Mamaw beat me to the comment I was going to leave, so I'll just say, "Ditto."
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