Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thought for the End of the Week

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have a great day with the ones you love. The above picture is of the stawberry cake with chocolate strawberries Summer made for us. Pictured below is Ethan after enjoying it. Since I don't have much time to post today I chose to reprint my article for the church newsletter this month. It contains most of my thoughts about this special day!
February is often referred to as the love month. With Valentine’s Day just a few weeks away many couples are planning a special evening to express their love for one another. Chocolates are bought; reservations are made; overpriced flowers are ordered. Great expense is taken to create a magical evening of romance and memories. I am not opposed to this. It is a wonderful idea to show your spouse how precious she is to you, yet I can not help but wonder if such great effort is put into this calendared holiday to make up for the lack of effort we expend at other times. Often what is most important to us is taken for granted while we pour the best of ourselves into lesser things. So let me encourage you to use this upcoming celebration in two redeeming ways.
First, let this Valentine’s Day serve as a reminder of your daily duty rather than as an apology for the other three-hundred and sixty-four days of the year. Your spouse is a gift from God and a beauty designed especially for you. May your heart always rejoice in the truth that you have “found [the one] whom my soul loves” (Song of Solomon 3:4). I pray that you will use this opportunity to celebrate love as a means to focus upon the delightful duty you have been given to daily cherish your spouse. May God strengthen our steps to express unbroken, unconditional love to our better half. Second, let this Valentine’s Day serve as a reminder that we are to be a people of love. In 1 John 4:19 we realize that “we love, because He first loved us.” It is by the transforming love of God that we have seen and responded to the truth. It is by that same love we were brought to life, and now we are a people who love God and love others. The love of Christ that has been placed within us is to be shared with others and this month is a great reminder of our call to take the gospel with us as we go. So as we show love to our spouse, let us not forget our responsibility to love others. Thank the Lord that he grants us these reminders to grow us in His grace. May this month be a rich and rewarding one for you!


At 5:02 AM, Blogger Deann said...

I really enjoyed the virtual tour of your church this past week... maybe one day we'll be fortunate enough to visit in person.

It looks like Ethan had a wonderful Valentine's Day. I hope you and Summer did, also!

P.S. Tell Summer the cake looks delicious!

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Madeline's Album said...

Looks like Ethan really enjoyed the cake. Tell Summer it looked so good. Hope you all have a nice day.


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