Thursday, February 05, 2009

What's In a Name?

Summer and I have gone back and forth for some time on choosing a name for our daughter. I know that there are a number of names we like, yet we wanted to select a name infused with meaning. Very often in the Bible, a person's name represented their character and described the life lived. We want to bestow upon our daughter a name which will represent what we hope for her, and so it came down to two choices.

1.) Karis Lee Armstrong
The name is very simply a transliteration of the New Testament Greek word for "grace." I have liked the name since seminary and thought it stands as a great description of our greatest need in life - to be infused with the grace of God in our Lord Jesus Christ.

2.) Abigail Lee Armstrong
The name is Hebrew in origin and is a Biblical name as well. The best translation of the name is "Joy of the Father." In looking at the name, one finds much meaning. My daughter will indeed be a joy to my life and a tremendous blessing. Yet also, she will be a joy to her heavenly Father.

After much seeking and discussion we have settled on: Abigail Lee Armstrong. How greatly she will be a source of joy for Summer and I as we welcome her into the world. And as she comes into this world not too long from now, our greatest prayer is that her life will be a source of joy for our heavenly Father through the grace of Jesus Christ!


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Deann said...

I think you and Summer made a wonderful choice! Abigail is a beautiful name!

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Madeline's Album said...

This post brought tears to my eyes the way you sought out a name for my soon to be great granddaugter. She will be a joy to us all.

At 7:09 PM, Blogger David said...

WELL DONE. Wish I could be there to hand shake you both. Ah, such a great name. Both were good, but this one is great.

Since you're from the South, and since you're Celtic (Armstrong=Scottish=Celtic), you could vary the spelling of "Lee" to "Leigh".....Just a thought....


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