Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Work in Progress

The paint is up on the walls and the border is being added today. Slowly the nursery is beginning to take shape. Yesterday, Ethan and I were out in the yard sanding down his dresser to repaint it for Abigail's room. Although he enjoyed the sandpaper, he didn't care too much for the noise of the electric sander. He decided to stand on the screened-in porch while I completed that part. Hopefully in a few days I will be able to post some pictures of the room as it is brought together. Many pieces still to go, but I'm sure it will come together in time.


At 3:55 PM, Blogger Deann said...

From the photo it looks like you are painting Abigail's room pale green. I think that is a lovely color for a little girl's room.

Oh, and it looks like Ethan is a good helper (even though he doesn't like the noisy sander)!

At 5:57 AM, Blogger Madeline's Album said...

You must be feeling better. I love the color you have picked for Abigail's room. Where was your mask when you for sanding :)? Looking forward to the pictures of the completed project.

At 7:45 AM, Blogger David said...

Nothing better than dust and dirt on a little boy's hands - even better when working with daddy. Dirt goes a long way in developing character in boys/men.


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