Getting Ready for a Girl
Until now, I have been immersed in the world of bringing up a boy. I am quite familiar with setting up tracks for Thomas the Train and playing with Matchbox cars. I have spent a great deal of time kicking a soccer ball around and racing Ethan through the yard. I am well versed in growling like a dinosaur and stomping across the kitchen floor. Yet, in a matter of months I will be introduced to a strange world filled with hues of pink and green. I can see it coming as frilly dresses and small little ribbons begin to invade my house. The signs are even more apparent as Summer's doctors visits become more frequent and the date of March 23rd draws close. It will be somewhere around that day, Lord willing, I will welcome my daughter into the world.It is with great excitement and great confusion that I will begin a new task of seeking to raise a girl in the Lord. Pray for me as I become familiar with how to instruct and train her to be a woman who loves the Lord and desires the Father's will. I do not know much about the world of dolls and tea parties, but I know God will equip me. I look forward to seeing all the grand blessings God has poured out upon me through the gift of a daughter! Thank you for your prayers as we look forward to this great day.
P.S. There are two names we are choosing between: Karis Lee Armstrong and Abigail Lee Armstrong. You can weigh into the fray if you have a preference since Summer and I have yet to come out of this discussion.
Eric you and Summer have done a wonderful job of raising Ethan and I know you will, with the help of God, do the same when that beautiful daughter gets here. I guess I like Abigail Lee for her name.
Like your Mamaw said, you and Summer have done a wonderful job with Ethan, and I have no doubt you will do the same with your precious daughter when she arrives. I know you already own quite a few copies of the only instruction book you will ever need as you seek to raise her properly. If you look for answers to your questions within its pages, you will always find them.
As for her name, I have to go with Abigail. I have read that the name means "source of joy", and I'm sure she will be that to both of you.
If your daughter eventually attends a Pentecostal church, will she Karis-matic?
Both names are wonderful, but since you're from the South, I vote for Abigail. Whether her first or last name is used to form the line at school, she'll always be first.
Wonderful post, my good friend. As a dad with a girl who turns 11 on 3/10, they are pure joy. And be sure to secure your copy of "The Daring Book for Girls" at Costco.
Eric, I'm a friend of David S. I come by and read your 'between Sundays' blog every now and then especially when David recommends it. I always enjoy the read.
And, congratulations on a blessed addition.
I only have two boys so I wouldn't know where to begin with a recommendation (especially from a stranger like myself) so I will pray for you as you raise this treasure from God to be in this as bold as Ester was in her day.
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