Of the two parks at the Disneyland Resort, our family's favorite was Disneyland Park. We spent a full two days going through the attractions and rides available and still were unable to see everything. Needless to say, Ethan's favorite rides were associated with trains. There was the Disneyland Steam Engine and the Monorail, but his favorite was the Casey Jr. Train in Fantasyland. We rode it multiple times over two days. Abigail was allowed to ride almost every attraction designed for children, which is a feature not availale at most theme parks. As for the adults, Summer and I got to take in our favorite rides. Mine was the Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye Ride and Summer's favorite spanned Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain Railroad. Other highlights included meeting Mickey (Ethan gave him a hug and kissed him on the nose) and seeing the fireworks spectaclular over Sleeping Beauty's Castle. It was a wondrous time of family memories and Ethan is already asking to go back.