Thursday, February 26, 2009

Additional Preparation...

In addition to working on the nursery for Abigail, I now find myself with another type of preparation - getting ready to travel to California next week for the annual Shepherd's Conference. This year will mark the fifth time I have been blessed to attend this pastor's retreat. Great teaching, wonderful food and fellowship, and the sunny Southern California coast- a great combination! I'm looking forward to the rest and refreshment. Hopefully, I will have internet access and will be able to post some next week as I travel. I have posted a few pictures of the campus north of Los Angeles, in Sun Valley.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Work in Progress

The paint is up on the walls and the border is being added today. Slowly the nursery is beginning to take shape. Yesterday, Ethan and I were out in the yard sanding down his dresser to repaint it for Abigail's room. Although he enjoyed the sandpaper, he didn't care too much for the noise of the electric sander. He decided to stand on the screened-in porch while I completed that part. Hopefully in a few days I will be able to post some pictures of the room as it is brought together. Many pieces still to go, but I'm sure it will come together in time.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Making Melody

Ethan is now at the age where he asks to listen to his own music while riding in the car. Now while such a request is often met with great frustration for parents of teenagers, my two-year old son's appeal for music makes me smile. You see, Summer and I have begun to make a concerted effort to teach him music that is in accordance with the command found in Colossians 3:17: "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." While we read Ethan scripture and teach him Bible stories, there is a lesson to be learned in song. I have made repeated trips to Lifeway to select albums that teach the truth of the Bible through song...we now have a small collection of CD's in our center console from which we can pull. The variety ranges from Veggietales to scripture memory songs. Ethan's favorite seems to be Bob and Larry Sing Sunday Morning Songs. Not only do I take great delight hearing Ethan sing from the backseat it also warms my heart to hear him walking through the house singing everything from "The B-I-B-L-E" to "Jesus Loves the Little Children". Train up a child in the way he should go is the ever present responsibility God has placed upon my shouders and I praise the Lord for creating music as a way to delight in Him...this father and son now sing together for God's glory as we ride down the road redeeming the time!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscar Night Observations

So the annual Oscar telecast is tonight, and I have to admit that I don't really trust Hollywood to tell me what movies are deserving of my attention. Their values, goals, and motivations do not measure up to scripture and therefore their definition of excellence fails to impress. Instead of waiting until the envelopes are unsealed, here are three films I enjoyed from last year that won't be receiving an Oscar statuette (except perhaps Wall-E):

1.) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull -
Sure it didn't receive an abundance of critical acclaim for a groundbreaking story, but the adventure is still a two-hour thrill ride better than most movies out there.

2.) Wall-E -
The best of the Pixar animated films in my opinion. A great story of unrelenting love, and the contrast between Wall-E's affections for Eve and humanity's robot-like lives is brilliant.

3.) Fireproof -
This movie met expectations and far surpassed them. Here is a true love story and the best film on marriage I have ever seen.
P.S. I took the above photo outside the Kodak theater in Hollywood the day before the Oscars in 2006.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Finally Friday!

Most weeks tend to fly, but this one has been particularly long. I think it is because I have been dealing with a sore throat, fever, and sinus problems. Yet, despite these setbacks the Lord allowed me to accomplish a great deal of work and it appears that everything will be ready for Sunday. In addition to church life, Summer and I have been busy at work preparing to paint the nursery. This will be the first step toward getting the room ready for little Abigail. Hopefully by Monday this task will be finished. I hope that as Friday continues your weekend will begin in a pleasant and restful manner. In order to relax I hope that you find an activity to enjoy that will refresh your body and mind. I found some rest time this week in the following activities:

Books read - Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin and Alone with God by John MacArthur
Movies Watched: The Librarian: Quest for the Spear
Music on the ipod: Worship God Live and Psalms from Sovereign Grace Ministries

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Is It About the Weather?

The temperature fluctuations this winter have been wild. One day it is in the mid-seventies and the next day below freezing. This is unusual for the climate here along the gulf coast and my sinuses have reacted to it fiercely these past few days. Today is near seventy but next week may be cold again.

These changes got me thinking about one day not too long ago. We had snow on the ground for the first time in southeast Texas in thirty years. To understand how truly rare this is, remember that we are further south than Mobile, AL and the Florida panhandle. So I decided to post a few pictures I took that night, and here is hoping that soon these fluctuations will stablize and my coughing dissipate.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our Purpose in Prayer

Today is Wednesday and therefore my eyes are looking toward this evening and the time of prayer we will share as a church. This weekly meeting is a wondrous time of unity as we come together to set our eyes on Christ and commune with the Father. I am reminded of E.M. Bounds description on the purpose of prayer. I pray it may it encourage you in your daily time with God.

"His ear is ever attentive to the cry of His child,
but we can never get to know Him if we use the vehicle
of prayer as we would use the telephone, for a few words
of hurried conversation. Intimacy requires development.
We can never know God as it is our privilege to know Him,
by brief and fragmentary prayers and unconsidered repetitions
of intercessions that are requests for personal favors and
nothing more. That is not the way in which we come into
communion with heaven's King. The goal of prayer is the
ear of God, a goal that can only be reached by patient
and continued and continuous waiting upon Him, pouring
out our heart to Him and permitting Him to speak to us.
Only by so doing can we expect to know Him, and as we
come to know Him better we shall spend more time in His
presence and find that presence a constant and
ever-increasing delight."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How Does a Two-Year Old Spend His Time?

I'm sorry that today's post is short, but I've been fighting a massive headache all day. These pictures were taken at the end of last week when Summer and I had two of Ethan's friends over to play while their parents went out for dinner. Ethan had been looking forward to it all day and set his puzzles out early so they coud play together. After playing with trains, cars, puzzles and books they sat down and enjoyed part of a movie. Ethan was sad when they had to go, but the nice suprise of a paint book from his aunt, uncle, and cousins seemed to make it all better!

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Boy and His Dog

We do not yet have a backyard which is completely fenced, and therefore Ethan does not yet have a dog. Summer and I would very much like to get Ethan a dog one day, but until then the stuffed variety will have to work. With this in mind, we took a trip back in November to the Build-a-Bear workshop to allow Ethan the opportunity to create his own pretend pet. He chose the dog pictured in the above photo. He enjoyed the entire process of getting to stuff the dog, put in a heart, wash and groom the fur, and then name him. Below are a few more pictures of the outing which I enjoyed yet had forgotten until downloading the pictures. Praise the Lord for a camera to capture these wonderful moments in time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Sunday Spotlight

Having to choose a new church is difficult. I discovered this painful truth after moving to Fort Worth, Texas in 2001. For the first time in my life, I was faced with the challenge of finding a new body of believers to which I would bind myself. I visited too many churches to count. Finally, the Lord led me to join Travis Avenue Baptist Church. It was with this congregation I grew as a young seminary student and made some wonderful friends. I will always hold a special place in my heart for the can check it out here! Have a great Lord's day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thought for the End of the Week

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have a great day with the ones you love. The above picture is of the stawberry cake with chocolate strawberries Summer made for us. Pictured below is Ethan after enjoying it. Since I don't have much time to post today I chose to reprint my article for the church newsletter this month. It contains most of my thoughts about this special day!
February is often referred to as the love month. With Valentine’s Day just a few weeks away many couples are planning a special evening to express their love for one another. Chocolates are bought; reservations are made; overpriced flowers are ordered. Great expense is taken to create a magical evening of romance and memories. I am not opposed to this. It is a wonderful idea to show your spouse how precious she is to you, yet I can not help but wonder if such great effort is put into this calendared holiday to make up for the lack of effort we expend at other times. Often what is most important to us is taken for granted while we pour the best of ourselves into lesser things. So let me encourage you to use this upcoming celebration in two redeeming ways.
First, let this Valentine’s Day serve as a reminder of your daily duty rather than as an apology for the other three-hundred and sixty-four days of the year. Your spouse is a gift from God and a beauty designed especially for you. May your heart always rejoice in the truth that you have “found [the one] whom my soul loves” (Song of Solomon 3:4). I pray that you will use this opportunity to celebrate love as a means to focus upon the delightful duty you have been given to daily cherish your spouse. May God strengthen our steps to express unbroken, unconditional love to our better half. Second, let this Valentine’s Day serve as a reminder that we are to be a people of love. In 1 John 4:19 we realize that “we love, because He first loved us.” It is by the transforming love of God that we have seen and responded to the truth. It is by that same love we were brought to life, and now we are a people who love God and love others. The love of Christ that has been placed within us is to be shared with others and this month is a great reminder of our call to take the gospel with us as we go. So as we show love to our spouse, let us not forget our responsibility to love others. Thank the Lord that he grants us these reminders to grow us in His grace. May this month be a rich and rewarding one for you!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Virtual Tour of Triangle - Day 5

This past November we had a series of meetings with a representative from Lifeway. He evaluated our church needs to help us develop a master site plan for the church. We are already lacking in education space for children and fellowship space for the church. To address these needs we are currently paying off our church debt before tackling the larger issue of building. The Lord is faithful, and I know that He will guide us every step of the way as we seek to impact our community for Christ.

The above picture is of the current church floor plan with a proposed addition for education and fellowship space on the left. On the bottom is a picture of how the outside would look with the additional building complete. The addition is again on the left. Please pray for us as the Lord leads us into the future and provides for us to meet these space needs. Our great desire is to see our ministries ever increasing for the glory of His kingdom and we daily rely on His providence to move us into the future He has planned!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Virtual Tour of Triangle - Day 4

The above photo is from one of the least visited places at the church and my favorite spot on the entire campus. It is from my personal study. This is where I go to spend time alone with God and dig deep into His word. My library is against the wall and holds a number of volumes I use to study and grow in the Lord. In addition to preparation for Sunday services I also use the room to counsel and pray with members of the congregation. The photo below is of my view from the desk. The sermon on the computer is the one I have been working on for the completed!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Virtual Tour of Triangle - Day 3

Puritan preacher Richard Baxter once said: "Every time we look upon our congregations, let us believingly remember that they are the purchase of Christ's blood, and therefore should be regarded by us with the deepest interest and the most tender affection." The above photo shows the view I have every Sunday as I preach to God's people. It is with great privilege and responsibility that I view this task. Currently, we are preaching through the gospel of John in the mornings and book of Isaiah in the evenings. During these times of corporare worship, we center on our Savior and grow by His grace. We exalt Him as a people set free and rejoice in being called sons and daughters of God! The picture below shows the view of the congregation on Sunday mornings as we focus on hearing the word of God.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Virtual Tour of Triangle - Day 2

Our Bible study hour is from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. During this time we have multiple classes for all ages group. Pictured above is the photo taken from our young adult classroom. This class, like all others, works through the Bible book by book while using a combination of lecture and discussion. These small group settings allow the larger congregation an opportunity to spend time in a more intimate setting where questions can be asked, prayer requests given, and relationships built. Currently, most of our adult classes are working through the book of 2 Thessalonians. It is an exciting time of study and one I look forward to every week. Below is one additional picture of another adult classroom.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Virtual Tour of Triangle - Day 1

Even though we are a small campus, there are several entrances to the church. The above photo displays the lobby view if you enter through the main door. On the right is found the table which holds our weekly bulletins and prayer guides. Hopefully, if a vistor enters through this door he or she is welcomed by a church member and guided to the appropriate location. We desire to reach out to our community and encourage members to be active about inviting friends to visit with them. As a guest enters we want the family to feel at home rather than lost in a maze.

In addition to greeting visitors this area also contains several bulletin boards with the latest ministry news and updates. It is the place in our church which receives the most foot traffic and we attempt to utilize it well for the glorification of God. Below is an alternate view of the lobby entering from the education hallway.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Virtual Tour of Triangle Week

Unless you are specifically coming to Southeast Texas, odds are you will not wind up in Nederland. The closest that you would come might be Beaumont on I-10. With that in mind, not many individuals I know have had the opportunity to see Triangle Baptist Church. However, this week you will be able to take a virtual tour of the church. I hope to post a few pictures each day of our church campus along with a description of what takes place each week. Perhaps this will provide a better picture of the ministries that happen on a weeky basis as well as give you an idea of how you can be in prayer for us. With this goal in mind, I look forward to Monday. Have a blessed Lord's Day and a great afternoon.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Thought for the End of the Week

Creation declares the glory of God. I took this picture a few years back on a journey through the American West. My friend David and I were en route to a conference in southern California and were somewhere in Arizona when this picture was taken. What truly left me astonished was the expansive scope of the landscape and the barrenness of the terrain. Yet, even admist this stark and dry place life sprung forth as you can see in the picture. It reminded me greatly of how the Lord can bring life out of the most dry and barren places. Indeed my heart bears fruit of life even though it was once dead in sin. Praise the Lord that I can look outside and not forget to be reminded of the grace of God shown to me.
May you enjoy the day God has given and soak in the reminders of His presence everywhere you go. Here it is close to seventy degrees and sunny beyond measure. Ethan and I are about to go outside and throw around the football. I pray that you have a blessed Saturday.

"The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge."
Psalm 19:1-2

Friday, February 06, 2009

Who is Habakkuk?

This minor prophet is the eighth of twelve and was a part of my daily Bible reading for the week. I had forgotten the power of the truth conveyed in this book until unleashing it upon my heart again a few days ago. We do not know much about the prophet except that he was probably a contemporary of Jeremiah during the decline of Judah.

In his book, Habakkuk laments the spiritual depravity of the nation and calls for God to revive the land. God responds by declaring that He will judge the sins by destroying the nation and sending the people into exile rather than by bringing revival. This is not the answer for which he had hoped. Habakkuk is visibly confused and questions the plan of God, which in his limited understanding makes no sense. The power of the book is brought to a culmination as God calls Habakkuk to trust in Him when things don't seem to make sense. He presses Habakkuk to have a deeper faith and so this prophet surrenders to God's plan in the midst of confusion. The last several verses tear at my soul as the prophet acknowledges that everything he loves is about to be taken away...the land will be stripped bare and the cities fall and the temple torn down and yet he chooses to praise God. Here is the summation of his surrender to God as found in Habakkuk 3:16b-19:

"I must wait quietly for the day of distress,
for the people to arise who will invade us.
Though the fig tree should not blossom
and there be no fruit on the vines,
though the yield of the olive shall fail
and the fields produce no food,
though the flock should be cut off from the fold
and there be no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will exult in the Lord,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
The Lord God is my strength,
and He has made my feet like hinds' feet
and makes me walk on my high places."
May we always remember that although the Lord may allow difficulty to come, He will strengthen us through it. He is our salvation and even when we walk among the rough precipices of life our feet will fall on solid ground. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

What's In a Name?

Summer and I have gone back and forth for some time on choosing a name for our daughter. I know that there are a number of names we like, yet we wanted to select a name infused with meaning. Very often in the Bible, a person's name represented their character and described the life lived. We want to bestow upon our daughter a name which will represent what we hope for her, and so it came down to two choices.

1.) Karis Lee Armstrong
The name is very simply a transliteration of the New Testament Greek word for "grace." I have liked the name since seminary and thought it stands as a great description of our greatest need in life - to be infused with the grace of God in our Lord Jesus Christ.

2.) Abigail Lee Armstrong
The name is Hebrew in origin and is a Biblical name as well. The best translation of the name is "Joy of the Father." In looking at the name, one finds much meaning. My daughter will indeed be a joy to my life and a tremendous blessing. Yet also, she will be a joy to her heavenly Father.

After much seeking and discussion we have settled on: Abigail Lee Armstrong. How greatly she will be a source of joy for Summer and I as we welcome her into the world. And as she comes into this world not too long from now, our greatest prayer is that her life will be a source of joy for our heavenly Father through the grace of Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

And the Decisions Come In...

Today is national signing day in college football, so all around the nation high school stars are moving their verbal pledges to written ones. I am keeing an eye on how the Crimson Tide will do this year in recruiting as decisions are made throughout the day. Several key prospects have yet to make their decision and will hold press conferences from now till this evening. Perhaps we will rank number one again? Time will tell.

With such decisions being made, Summer and I have one of our own. We plan to choose today which name is right for our daughter. I appreciate all the generous comments from yesterday and thank you for your prayers. Hopefully, later this afternoon I will be abe to post with the name we have selected. Until then enjoy recruiting least if you happen to be as devoted to college football as me. If not, enjoy your Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Getting Ready for a Girl

Until now, I have been immersed in the world of bringing up a boy. I am quite familiar with setting up tracks for Thomas the Train and playing with Matchbox cars. I have spent a great deal of time kicking a soccer ball around and racing Ethan through the yard. I am well versed in growling like a dinosaur and stomping across the kitchen floor. Yet, in a matter of months I will be introduced to a strange world filled with hues of pink and green. I can see it coming as frilly dresses and small little ribbons begin to invade my house. The signs are even more apparent as Summer's doctors visits become more frequent and the date of March 23rd draws close. It will be somewhere around that day, Lord willing, I will welcome my daughter into the world.

It is with great excitement and great confusion that I will begin a new task of seeking to raise a girl in the Lord. Pray for me as I become familiar with how to instruct and train her to be a woman who loves the Lord and desires the Father's will. I do not know much about the world of dolls and tea parties, but I know God will equip me. I look forward to seeing all the grand blessings God has poured out upon me through the gift of a daughter! Thank you for your prayers as we look forward to this great day.
P.S. There are two names we are choosing between: Karis Lee Armstrong and Abigail Lee Armstrong. You can weigh into the fray if you have a preference since Summer and I have yet to come out of this discussion.

Monday, February 02, 2009

A Good Cup of Coffee

What is it about a good cup of coffee on Monday mornings? As a child I always loved the aroma of coffee but found its taste to be putrid. Now, as an adult, I love both the aroma and the taste. I can't think of starting a work week without a cup. Yet the process of cultivating a craving for coffe didn't happen overnight.
In college I found that a flavored cappuccino helped me to make it through my 8:00 a.m. western civilization class. After that I was introduced to an array of mochas, lattes, and other specialities through Starbucks. Eventually, I made my way to simple Folgers with cream and sugar. Now, if necessary I can drink it black. So, it has come to be a part of my morning routine, even though as a kid I couldn't fathom how adults could stand the drink. Right after setting up my laptop, I brew several cups and set to work for the week. I wonder if you have already had several cups today as well or if you have another preferred drink?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Sunday Spotlight

I grew up in Alabama and my home church for twenty years was First Baptist Church, Alabaster. It was at this church that I walked forward to make public my profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and it was at this church that I followed in obedience to the command of Christ to be baptized. It woud be hard for me to state the great amount of gratitude I hold in my heart to the teachers and leaders God provided for me through this local manifestation of the body of Christ. Much of my spiritual formation in the early years of life can be attributed to this congregation and God's working through them. My pastor was Dr. Wayne Crumption, a man who faithfully preached the word of God. Since I have moved to Texas, he has retired but still serves as interim for churches in need. This godly man still answers this young minister's questions concerning the pastorate and I thank him greatly for that.
All of this to say that since it is Sunday, I wanted to spotlight a church that you might want to examine and see how God is at work all around us in different communities. I'm sure that this morning old friends were attending worship at FBC and continuing to participate in the work God is doing there. Praise God for the expansive work of his kingdom. You can check out the church here. Have a great Lord's Day!