Monday, April 04, 2011

Wash and Wax...and Wisdom?

There is a world which is lost to many of us. As adults we are goal oriented and seek to move from agenda item to agenda item as fast and efficiently as possible. There are things to accomplish and things which have to be done. Washing the truck and car were simply two items on my list this past week. I wanted to get out the bucket and the soap and finish as quickly as possible so I could keep moving...but the kids wanted to help. So began an adventure and a lesson in life.

My kids and I both engaged in the same task, yet it became apparent we existed in two completely different worlds. I sought to push through the chore and move on to bigger and better things. They relished the moment and found joy in the mundane. I saw dirt particles and pollen dust caked on the vehicles. They saw an opportunity for excitement. Ethan delighted in spraying his sister and pouring water out of his small bucket. Abigail enjoyed climbing into the soap bucket and running around with her small washcloth. The same task...two different ways of viewing the world.

While I understand the importance of approaching any task with hard work and a commitment to do the job right, it seems that I so often forget to see the value of the little moments. Why it it that as adults we seem to become blind to the wonders of this world? It seems that as we age our eyesight becomes more and more narrow. We only see what has to be accomplished and forget that in the accomplishment are hidden ten thousand things to enjoy! Praise the Lord for children who remind me that every minute is a gift from God to be held tightly and enjoyed immensely. I pray that more and more my eyes become open to the world I once knew. It would be great to live in such a place again.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Abigail Turns Two

This past Thursday we celebrated Abigail's second birthday. It is hard to believe that the tiny little girl we brought home from the hospital is running around the house and speaking new words every day. For her party we went to Chick-fil-A. Abigail enjoyed running up and down the playground, seeing her friends, and eating some nuggets. Below are a few pictures of the event.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Creepiest Christmas Song...Ever

Alright, I have not technically heard every Christmas song ever written so maybe I should state that the creepiest Christmas song I have ever heard is "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". Have you ever stopped and listened to the lyrics of this holiday classic? It sounds like something out of a Hitchcock movie rather than heartwarming tale of Christmas cheer. It is supposed to be a song sung by a band of carolers as they travel from door to door and starts off innocently enough: "We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." Now that verse might bring a smile to my face as a group of strangers sing in unison on my door step. I'm not a grinch; I enjoy a good song from well wishers. Yet just as my heart is warming up, they drive a stake of holly through it. This small choir of smiling faces becomes a roving band of misfits. Listen to verse two: "Now bring us some figgy pudding. Now bring us some figgy pudding. Now bring us some figgy pudding and bring it our here." You see! They turn into a gang that forces me to march into my kitchen and fix them some holiday treat! And cookies aren't good enough. No, they aren't satisfied with gingerbread men or snickerdoodles. They want figgy pudding! Who has ever heard of figgy pudding? I don't have figs and I barely know how to make pudding. What does this choir expect from me?! Yet there I stand, uncertain of what to do as their smiling faces start to look impatient. So with gusto they shout out: "We won't leave until we get some. We won't leave until we get some. We won't leave until we get some, so bring it out here!" What am I to do? They refuse to leave just like Cousin Eddy off of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. This is truly a frightening scenario and an utterly creepy song. So you had better plan on one of two things this Christmas. Download a recipe for figgy pudding or prepare to spend the holidays with roving bands of Christmas carolers. Don't say you weren't warned. Now if you excuse me I have to go wikipedia a recipe for "figgy pudding."

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Kicking off the Christmas Season

The countdown to Christmas has officially begun. Our house is decorated with tinsel and lights as the soft sounds of the season drift from the kitchen stereo. Presents are bought and will soon be wrapped and placed under the tree. Twenty-five days will come and go in the blink of an eye. I hope that you make the most of this season and rejoice in our Savior's birth. I wanted to share on this first day of December the new holiday photos we have had taken of Ethan and Abigail. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You Know You Are in For A Long Sermon When...

I had to share part of this list because it made me smile today. These are all opening lines to sermons you probably aren't too eager to hear..

1. Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking...
2. Yesterday's Cubs game has many parallels to this morning's text...
3. This morning's message has twenty points...
4. Last night I had a dream - of footprints in the sand...
5. Cereal boxes don't usually lead to sermon ideas, but this morning...
6. Here are the notes for the sermon I was going to give, but I've decided I'm led to wing it...
7. At first glance, variants between the Septuagint and the Masoretic Text don't seem all that interesting, but...
8. Webster defines (insert any word) as...
9. A funny thing happened on the way to church this morning...
10. I always like to open my sermons on the word of God with a joke...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Days of Disney (Part Two)

Of the two parks at the Disneyland Resort, our family's favorite was Disneyland Park. We spent a full two days going through the attractions and rides available and still were unable to see everything. Needless to say, Ethan's favorite rides were associated with trains. There was the Disneyland Steam Engine and the Monorail, but his favorite was the Casey Jr. Train in Fantasyland. We rode it multiple times over two days. Abigail was allowed to ride almost every attraction designed for children, which is a feature not availale at most theme parks. As for the adults, Summer and I got to take in our favorite rides. Mine was the Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye Ride and Summer's favorite spanned Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain Railroad. Other highlights included meeting Mickey (Ethan gave him a hug and kissed him on the nose) and seeing the fireworks spectaclular over Sleeping Beauty's Castle. It was a wondrous time of family memories and Ethan is already asking to go back.

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Sunday at Grace Community Church

In an attempt to finally finish posting on our family vacation, I wanted to share about my family's experience at Grace Community Church. Upon arriving on a beautiful Sunday morning, we took both of the children to their respective classes and then found a seat in the sanctuary. One of the greatest delights of the day was getting to worship with my wife, unhindered by my normal responsibilities. It was a wonderful change of pace. After the service, we took several pictures which I wanted to share with you all.