Bedtime Stories
Contrary to popular belief, these are not the materials I use to prepare for Sunday morning sermons. This book, along with nine others were purchased right after Summer and I discovered she was pregnant. We wanted Ethan's first gift to be something that would teach him about the Lord, and so we found some bedtime books on Bible characters.
Now that Ethan is here, we finally get to read them to him. I haven't determined which is his favorite yet, primarily because I'm not sure if extreme drool output is a sign of like or dislike. On a serious note however, it is great to know that Summer and I get to share the truth of scripture with our son from a young age. I pray that God will work powerfully in His life, and that he will yearn to know the depth of God's truth so that he may live it out always. Now once we finish reading these books to him, I suppose it will be time to move onto something a bit harder...perhaps Jonathan Edwards'
History of the Work of Redemption. That sounds like something he would enjoy tremendously...I can already see Ethan's drool output increasing.
Life of Leisure
A life of leisure...not an accurate description of my normal week, but on occasion I do find time to sit down to rest and relax. Here are my current respites from work:
Currently reading: The Second Coming: Signs of Christ's Return and the End of the Age by John MacArthur. An excellent book on eschatology and Biblical prophecy regarding the return of Christ.
Currently in the CD player: Between the Dreaming and the Coming True by Bebo Norman. It is getting harder and harder to find good Christian CDs. While most Christian artists are develping musically, lyrically many are regressing. Not so with this new CD. It has been playing on my CD player/mp3 player for the past week.
It's October Already?
Alright, so it has been over a week since my last post. In an effort to catch up, I will try to briefly summarize everything that has been happening.
1. Summer has fully recovered from her gall bladder surgery and spent most of last week taking care of me as I laid on the couch and moaned over my sinus surgery. We have been to the hospital so much recently, that I am considering applying for a discount card.
2. Ethan turned three months old on Saturday - September 30. It is incredible how fast he is growing and how much he is learning. He is now learning hand - eye coordination and grabs at everything from Summer's glasses to my hurt nose. In addition, he spends a great deal of time smiling and is now beginning to laugh. He is truly an astounding gift from God.
3. I returned to work on Thursday and resumed by preaching duties this morning. It is great to be back in the pulpit sharing the word of God. I am in the middle of a marriage series in the morning and am preaching expositionally through Esther in the evenings. I pray that God will bless his word and draw the congregation closer to Him.
4. Summer celebrated her birthday this week when Ethan and I took her to the Roadhouse for steaks. Summer and I enjoyed dinner and Ethan looked around...sometimes eyeing my steak a little too close.
Well that brings us to today, the first of October. I will try to be more consistent in my posting and even perhaps write about subjects other than Ethan and Summer. For now, it is time to get some rest before the week begins anew in the morning.